OT Aspekt/Kids Time Therapies offers comprehensive, quality-driven, family centered Early Intervention services for children between the ages of 0 - 3 years who may have or be at risk of having a developmental delay.
OT Aspekt/Kids Time Therapies provides CORE and SUPPLEMENTAL EVALUATIONS for children in order to determine if a child meets the criteria for eligibility under the Early Intervention Program.
We provide Center-based programming at our site in Woodside Queens, as well as, facility-based services at this site. We also provide Service Coordination in all five boroughs.

Sensory Intergrated Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy
Special Education
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Our Services
Sensory Integrated Therapy
Sensory Integration is the brain’s ability to organize information received through the senses and produce an adapted response in relation to the environment. Some children have difficulty with processing information from within their environment and their responses to the environment are maladaptive. They may perceive the sensory information being taken in as overwhelming, confusing, or distorted. Many times simple activities are frustrating for them and they cannot feel the usual sense of security, confidence, and happiness that other children feel. These children may dislike or avoid certain activities, may not be able to stay focused with in a group, may appear fidgety or in constant motion, may be having difficulties in school with staying in their chair, focusing or even organizing their space.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists work with children to help develop the skills necessary for participation in everyday life.
Occupational Therapists can utilize many different frameworks in order to help a child reach their optimal functioning level. One approach that an Occupational Therapist uses is a Sensory Integrated approach.
Sensory Integration is the Brain’s ability to organize
information received through the senses and produce an adapted response in relation to the environment. Some children have difficulty with processing information from within their environment and their responses to the environment are maladaptive. They may perceive the sensory information being taken in as overwhelming, confusing, or distorted. Many times simple activities are frustrating for them and they cannot feel the usual sense of security, confidence, and happiness that other children feel. These children may dislike or avoid certain activities, may not be able to stay focused with in a group, may appear fidgety or in constant motion, may be having difficulties in school with staying in their chair, focusing or even organizing their space.
By using framework of Sensory Integration the Therapist will utilize treatment strategies to improve underlying problems in order to help the child organize himself and be able to exhibit more appropriate behaviors and responses to the environment.Additionally a sensory protocol aka “sensory diet” could be developed by the Occupational Therapist to provide the child with the needed activities to calm or alert their Nervous System. Activities can be scheduled into a child’s day which would provide or modify sensory input to help the child be able to function better within the environment, and sometimes just simple changes in the Childs environment can be very effective in changing behavior.


Physical Therapy
Pediatric Physical Therapy promotes the normal component of movement throughout the body. Our Physical Therapists are highly trained individuals with several years of experience treating the Pediatric population. Each treatment plan will be specific for each Childs needs.
Speech Therapy
Our Speech Language Pathologists work with children who have delays with receptive and/or expressive language, oral motor, articulation, swallowing, cognition, and social and educational skills. Through a team approach, our speech therapists help children achieve their therapy goals.
Counseling services are available to those eligible. Our licensed therapists implement behavior management procedures. They collaborate with the child's teachers, parents, and any other related service providers to create safe, healthy, and supportive environments for all children.
Special Education
Services can be provided in the child's natural environment, including the child's home, daycare center, Head Start program or school. We have a team of qualified licensed teachers and support staff to offer multilingual and multicultural services to all the five boroughs of New York. We have an experienced team of special education teachers that include those trained in the Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) methodology.


The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a public program funded by New York State and county governments for children under the age of three who are either suspected of having or at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. Potentially eligible children must be referred to the county program to receive EIP services:
New York City
You can call 311 to initiate a referral to NYC Early Intervention Program
All EIP services are provided at no cost to parents. Health Insurance may be used for approved services. A child’s eligibility for the program can be determined only by state-approved evaluators under contract and all services must be authorized by the county. If a child is found eligible for the EIP, all needed early intervention services are identified in collaboration with the parent and must be authorized by the municipality. The municipality will arrange for service providers, considering the individual needs of the child and family, to deliver services authorized by the municipality. OT Aspekt & Chiro PLLC is approved by New York State and has a contract with New York City to provide early intervention services.